Join the Antelope Valley Transit Authority ( AVTA) and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to learn about resources available to help your business prepare, explore, and pursue Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) procurement opportunities.
The goal is to help our Small Business Community participate in the local economy through contracts or other procurement opportunities:
- Construction
- Wholesalers
- Manufacturing
- Digital Signage
- Specialty Contractors
- Furniture
- Architectural Services
- Landscaping
- Other Services
Contact Information
Cecil FoustDisadvantaged Business Enterprise Liaison Officer
Email: cfoust@avta.com
Ph: (661) 729-2243
Schedule an appointment at:
Connect with me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com
Attend a Business Training: http://cocsbdc.org/calendar/?campus=santa-clarita
Contact SBDC: https://cocsbdc.org/contact-us/