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Doing Business With AVTA

AVTA Vendor Information

The Executive Services and Finance Departments are responsible for processing all purchasing requests of goods and/or services needed to fulfill its mission at the highest ethical standards utilizing the most cost effective methods while adhering to applicable codes, guidelines, regulations, rules and procedures. The two Departments maintains a database of vendors interested in doing business with the AVTA. To be added to this vendor database, please register by simply following the link as follows: VENDOR REGISTRATION

Vision - Fundamental Principles of Ethical Procurement  

The AVTA’s procurement practices reflect its commitment to fundamental principles of ethical procurement, which are as follows: 
  1. Foster maximum open and free competition for AVTA's Contracts. 
  2. Promote the greatest economy and efficiency in AVTA procurements. 
  3. Ensure adherence to proper standards of conduct by AVTA Board Members, officers, and employees. 
  4. Maintain procurement policies and procedures that guarantee compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations. 
  5. Establish and maintain an arm's length relationship with all Contractors. 
  6. Treat all prospective Contractors, Consultants, and vendors, including Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (“DBEs”) and small businesses, in an equal and equitable manner. 
  7. Provide guidance for remedy and resolution of Contract claims or disputes. 
Based on these fundamental principles of ethical procurement and the general standards of public sector procurement, the following set of procurement and contracting policies have been developed.

AVTA Procurement Policy

Competition Commitment
AVTA is dedicated to ensuring full and open competition and strives to include as many potential sources as possible in the procurement process. We especially encourage local and small businesses to register with the Authority.

Current Procurements in "Bidding" Stage:

(click below for detailed view)
Current Procurements in Bidding Stage

Types Of Procurements

Micro Procurements - Less than or equal to $10,000
Micro Procurements do not require multiple quotes, but when feasible a competitive solicitation process may be used. Purchases made will be of a fair and reasonable price and be rotated among vendors offering competitive prices for the same quality.

Small Procurements - Greater than $10,000 and less than or equal to $150,000
Small Procurements shall be processed through a competitive solicitation process whereby a minimum of three (3) quotes are solicited from vendors who can reasonably be expected to provide the required goods and/or services. If a contract is awarded, AVTA shall award the contract to the most responsive, responsible offeror who provides the lowest quote, or if criteria other than price are to be considered, whose proposal is the highest scoring proposal. Criteria may include experience, expertise, price, product availability, functionality, quality or suitability for a particular purpose.

Formal Procurements - Greater Than $150,000
On procurements of $150,000 and above, AVTA follows a formal procurement process. Vendors that are identified in AVTA's vendor database receive a formal procurement solicitation. The procurement will be advertised and posted on PlanetBids' website. The procurement may also be advertised in industry specific and/or M/W/DBE publications.

Types Of Solicitation

Depending on the type of project undertaken, AVTA will develop an Invitation for Bid (IFB), Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Qualifications (RFQ), or Request for Quotations (RQ).

Invitation for Bids (IFB)
IFB's are used when there is a clear understanding of the project requirements; scope of work and/or technical specifications and the criteria for award is based solely on price. IFB's are publicly opened at the time and location stated in the bid document. Each bidder's name and the total amount bid are announced. Anyone wishing to attend a bid opening may do so, however, attendance is not necessary to be eligible for contract award. Award is made to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.

Request for Proposals (RFP)
RFPs are used when the specific requirements and/or technical specifications of a project are unclear and evaluation criterion in addition to pricing is needed. RFPs are evaluated by an evaluation committee based upon the evaluation criterion identified in the RFP. This method provides for negotiation of all terms and conditions of the proposal, including price before award. The RFP process may be used with competitive negotiation, multi-step and best and final offers. RFPs are evaluated by an evaluation committee based upon the evaluation criterion identified in the RFP. Award is made to the vendor whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the Agency.

Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
RFQs are used when seeking professional services, such as architectural, consultants, engineering, and other related services. RFQs are evaluated by an evaluation committee based upon the evaluation criterion identified in the RFQ. Evaluations consider only technical factors and qualifications in the evaluation process, which may include description of their education, experience, management and other applicable criteria described in the RFQ. This method provides for negotiation of all terms and conditions of the proposal, including price before award. Award is made to the consultant whose proposal is determined to be the most qualified to the Agency. RFQs may also be used to create a list of consultants who are qualified to perform those services.

Request for Quotes (RQ)
RQs are an informal solicitation process soliciting at least three (3) written quotes from vendors without formal advertising and receipt of sealed bids. This process is normally used to establish price competition for purchases greater than $10,000 and less than or equal to $150,000. Applicability of Taxes AVTA is exempt from Federal Excise Tax; however, State of California and local taxes do apply. If the vendor is an out-of-state vendor, AVTA will remit the California Use Tax directly to the State of California.

Procurement Related Documents

Contact Information

Antelope Valley Transit Authority
Procurement & Contracts Office
42210 6th Street West
Lancaster, CA 93534

Phone: (661) 729-2243

Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., Pacific Time
(except for observed legal holidays)


Cecil Foust
Procurement and Contracts Officer and
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Liaison Officer

Phone: (661) 729-2243

Francynn Tobar
Contract Administrator
Phone: (661) 729-2208

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