Dial-A-Ride (DAR) provides curb to curb transportation service to residents of the Antelope Valley who live within the Los Angeles County area. Eligibility is determined based on residency, age, or disability. DAR is available to the general public for those who live in Rural Zone 1 or 2. All Rural Zone 1 and 2 (see map) residents that have no access to AVTA’s local transit service, are eligible with proof of address (no P.O boxes accepted). Please refer to the DAR map below for reference. Streets must be safe and drivable for service.Dial-A-Ride Map

DAR is for seniors and disabled persons, as well as to anyone living outside of the Urban Zone who may not have access to any of our fixed route system stops. One of the following is needed in order to qualify for Dial-A-Ride services:
Senior 62
- Anyone 62 and older automatically qualifies
- Must present up to date CA identification when applying
- Reduced Fare Senior TAP card
- SSI Award Letter, Medicare Card (not Medical), and DMV placard receipt
- Reduced Fare Disabled TAP Card
- Valid Access Card
- Must present up to date CA identification when applying
Note: If you do not have a Reduced Fare TAP Card, you must apply for one in order to qualify for Dial-A-Ride Services. Please contact 661-945-9445 for more information.
Rural Zone 1 and 2
- Proof of Residence (current utility bill)
- Must present up to date CA identification when applying
An application can be obtained at the AVTA facility located at 42210 6th Street West in Lancaster. Once eligibility has been determined, a photo I.D. will be issued which will be required to use the service.
Dial-A-Ride Application (English)
Dial-A-Ride Application (Spanish)
View Dial-a-Ride Brochure (English & Spanish) [PDF]
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