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Student Services - GoPass Program

Student Services - GoPass Program

In September 2023, AVTA joined L.A. Metro's GoPass Program and began presenting the program to school districts in the Antelope Valley. Since that time, Antelope Valley Union High School District, Antelope Valley College, and Palmdale School District's Palmdale Academy Charter School (PACS) have opted into the GoPass Program. Students at participating school districts enjoy the freedom of using AVTA's, L.A. Metro's, and other participating SoCal transit agencies' buses and trains for FREE. Find out more and confirm your school's participation status at:

Taking the bus to school is a great alternative to driving, and AVTA offers the convenience of several local routes with stops at most high schools and colleges in the community. Check out our Supplemental Routes here. AVTA helps students save time and money by eliminating the need for fuel, costly parking fees, and navigating traffic. AVTA and L.A. Metro are currently working together to bring the GoPass Program to all school districts in the Antelope Valley.

It is vital that all riders understand and follow the mandatory AVTA rider ettiquette as detailed in our Code of Conduct. Download AVTA's Code of Conduct - Quick Reference Flyer.

Quick Links to the GoPass Program


Check Your School

Activate Your GoPass

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Learn more at LA Metro GoPass

View more GoPass Benefits and Q&As

How Does GoPass Work?