Developed in accordance with California Senate Bill 375 (SB 375), the Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) is a new element of the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).
Strategic Plan for Integrated Transportation in the Antelope Valley
The strategic integrated mobility plan for the Antelope Valley (AV) is intended to position the AV as a sustainable, attractive, and forward-looking community by shifting land use and transportation planning away from single occupancy vehicle (SOV) use and sprawling developments. Across the globe, communities are learning, sometimes the hard way, that planning for people—developing walkable communities, attractive and inviting landscapes, coordinating transportation and land uses to encourage walking, cycling, and public transit use—results in better health outcomes, better quality of life outcomes, and better economic outcomes.
The overarching goal of this study is to develop a roadmap for the AVTA, to develop recommendations and strategies to improve service delivery and develop attractive and useful public transportation service, while also leveraging shifts in transportation technologies and land use planning policies and approaches. Particularly in Southern California, where auto congestion represents a substantial drain on the public coffers, public health, and quality life, ameliorating options for transportation other than SOV, which includes improvements to the public realm, incentivizing transit use, while right-pricing auto use, is important for reducing reliance on SOVs.
In order to better understand the relationship between mobility, place, and quality of life, we review key research and policy documents that pertain to the Valley and will inform the overall direction and goals of this project, followed by a review of best and current practices in the field to help inform strategic directions for this mobility plan.
Download the full document here.